Tuesday, April 7, 2009

SmartDust Defined

SmartDust is a term used to describe a group of tiny robots or
devices which may be used for detection and monitoring. For
detection purposes, they can be used to detect light, temperature,
or vibration. For monitoring purposes, it can be used to monitor
traffic, people's activites or can even enter human bodies to monitor
psychological problems. The individual sensors of smardust are usually
reffered to as motes since they are so small in size. Researcher's also
call these as microelectronical systems (MEMS) sensors.The SmartDust
itself is the size of a quarter, grain of sand a or even a dust particle.

Here is a picture to put things into perspective:

The above picture is a representation of a SmartDust. As we can
see, Information Technology is constantly revolutionizing the world.
Innovations went from big Desktop Computers to Computers fitting
into the dimensions of a Quarter!

Here are some additional information on the purpose of this IT:

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