Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Actual/ Potential disadvantages of SmartDust in Organizations

Organizations can face couple of disadvantages from the use of SmartDust.

Here are two disadvantages that affect almost all industries and functional areas:

Privacy Issue

The biggest concern with the SmartDust is that it invades peoples privacy. No one wants to be monitored every minute of their lives! Especially, when they need to go to the bathrooms or changing areas. There should be a limit to how far this human monitoring can go.

High Cost Issue

SmartDust is fairly a new innovation, therefore researchers are constantly finding out more about this technology. They are finding out new ways for SmartDust to replace technology. As a result this is a very costly process. It is a very expensive process to research, manufacture and produce. At the same time, their will be costs that will be related to running tests and so on.


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